Powerful physician coaching from an experienced colleague

People who have spoken out of their hearts for Christine E Lee MD.

Kind words from my clients

I’m honored to have helped these exceptional clients achieve a fruitful career path.

"Coaching has allowed me to become more intentional about my life and encouraging others as we assume increasing team leadership. The best part of the coaching was learning how to ask questions to help ourselves, each other, and our colleagues."
- Michelle S
" Coaching has allowed me to be able to slow down, analyze the internal self prior to reacting /responding to the external environment. It has provided structure in approach when taking care of oneself with caring for others. I believe the best part of coaching is learning to analyze oneself and see a bigger picture of situations."
- Allan L
"I was introduced to Dr. Lee’s leadership coaching  session by a friend who feels Dr. Lee has helped her tremendously.  I am a shy and introverted person and I have never wanted to be a  leader so I was not sure what I would benefit  from these sessions. After just a few sessions with Dr. Lee, I  realized that many things I encountered with difficulty, or I had  trouble with in daily life could be resolved much easier by changing my thought process...I have become a happier person and gained significant amount  of positive energy which greatly helps me  with my career, social, as well as personal life. Thank you Dr. Lee for  all your coaching and I highly recommend Dr. Lee to anyone who wants to  change themselves to be a better and happier person."
- MW
“Christine's guidance throughout this coaching journey has been truly wonderful. She asked thoughtful questions and held great space that  allowed me to dig deeper into my own thoughts and motives. I've found some of my self-imposed barriers (which I didn't even really know I was subconsciously feeding) have started to melt away. It's been an enlightening process of self-discovery and I have a more solidified framework to approach my personal and professional lives! Thanks so much!!!"
“Thank you so much for your coaching! Your coaching molded me to the person who I wanted to be! I am grateful!" 
- H. Kim, MD.
"Dr. Lee had the keen ability to gently guide me in the process of self-discovery, allowing me to set my own personal goals. She didn't impose a set agenda, instead she asked thoughtful questions and listened intently to my answers, becoming a real sounding board. In the short amount of time, she allowed space so that I could think deeper and uncover my own steps towards change. This is true empowerment, wow!"
- Ester
"I have never talked to a coach before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was surprisingly really great. It’s helpful to talk to someone in a similar field about work/life balance. Christine Lee was very insightful. I look forward to more sessions with her!"
- Young woman faculty at Baylor College of Medicine
"“Be your own advocate when thoughts start becoming negative or situations are tough."
- A Surgical Resident Group or Ophthalmology Resident Group at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
"“Think about my ideal outcomes and then develop goals from that."
- A Surgical Resident Group or Ophthalmology Resident Group at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
"This was the best session. I think it’s helpful to discuss coaching and why teaching it to others in a group setting can be beneficial to get everyone involved. I believe the group dynamics are really important and finding different group exercises to discuss stress relief, goals, fears, and letting us know the environment is completely safe in accordance with HIPPA is important so we can be completely honest about our experiences and feelings. Thank you."
- A Surgical Resident Group or Ophthalmology Resident Group at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)

"I enjoyed talking with my co-residents. These wellness sessions allowed to strengthen our personal and professional skills."
- A Surgical Resident Group or Ophthalmology Resident Group at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
"The interaction with other residents and seeing their goals at different stages of training."
- Resident from Thrive Program
"The technique of asking someone who's had a bad day 'what would a perfect day have looked like?'"
- Resident from Thrive Program
"Coaching has allowed me to become more intentional about my life and encouraging others as we assume increasing team leadership. The best part of the coaching was learning how to ask questions to help ourselves, each other, and our colleagues."
- Michelle S
"I would like to wholeheartedly thank Dr. Lee for her coaching sessions. I would highly recommend her as a valuable resource. My journey would have been less stressful and more enjoyable had I known earlier what I learned from Dr. Lee. Especially younger physicians, and even older ones like myself, will benefit from her coaching."
- B.L.
"I really enjoyed the time of reflection and was able to take away pearls of wisdom on prioritization. What struck me the most was about finding my inspiration - even on the past events/accomplishments -- why I do the things I do. I think reflecting and then verbalizing them helped shift my focus and find the true motives that re-energized me!"
- R.D.
"I have never talked to a coach before so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was surprisingly really great. It's helpful to talk to someone in a similar field about work/life balance. Christine Lee was very insightful. I look forward to more sessions with her!"
- Young woman faculty at Baylor College of Medicine
"This was the best session. I think it’s helpful to discuss coaching and why teaching it to others in a group setting can be beneficial to get everyone involved. I believe the group dynamics are really important and finding different group exercises to discuss stress relief, goals, fears, and letting us know the environment is completely safe in accordance with HIPPA is important so we can be completely honest about our experiences and feelings. Thank you."
- Young faculty at Thrive Program


Together, we’ll focus on the priorities you want to set and the problems you want to solve in your medical career.
What is Career Coaching?

Career coaching is a tool that can help you examine your current career and your priorities and take steps to ensure they align.

Coaching can be powerful:

  • Coaching can unlock your untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership through thought-provoking questions and other creative processes.
  • Coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes, and managing sustainable, personal change through new perspectives, beliefs, and mindsets.
  • Coaching can maximize your professional and personal potentials.
Why do we need Career Coaching?

Career coaching allows you to recognize opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve career goals and personal dreams. It empowers you to achieve the life you want.

“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.” -John Wooden

How do I manage my stress?

Physicians cope with a phenomenal amount of stress. To combat it, we can ask ourselves a series of questions that reframe the stress and help us gain perspective:

  • Is this stress real?
  • Can we say no? What will be the consequences?
  • Can we just avoid the people and situations that cause stress?
  • Can we view this stress in a more positive perspective?
  • Can we adjust the standards? Is there a “good enough”?
  • Can we look at the bigger picture? Will this matter in a month or a year?
What are some stress relieving techniques?

You can manage a certain amount of stress with these techniques:

  • Using movements, or visual and auditory senses
  • Deep breathing
  • Power poses
  • Stretching
  • Looking at a calm or a happy picture
  • Listening to your favorite music

In coaching sessions, we often employ the 4 A’s of stress management:

  • Acknowledge: Acknowledge that you are stressed.
  • Ask: Do I care? Let go of any small stuff. What specifically is the real issue?
  • Act: What are the possible solutions? What is the best solution?
  • Advance: Resolve the issue and move on. You may come back to refine your actions later.
What does self-care look like?

Self-care techniques are a deeper level of stress management. They should be worked into your daily and weekly routine to help you mitigate stress before it becomes overwhelming. In our sessions, we can explore together how to schedule self-care techniques into your week, such as:

  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness / Centering
  • Meditation
  • Spa / Bath
  • Sleep
  • Listen to or create music
  • Niksen (Dutch word for doing nothing)
  • Fika (Swedish for take a coffee break)

Schedule discovery calls with Dr. Lee to uncover the barriers that may be hindering your progress toward your goals and dreams!

Talk to me about
your workshop or conference

Let’s make your upcoming event an opportunity for career clarity and growth.

As a Professional Certified Coach and Leadership Dynamic Specialist, I bring the expertise and passion needed to engage and inspire your event’s audience.

I speak to your groups on topics such as


Exploring authenticity, strengths, and happiness, among other topics.


How intentional leadership can create happy successful individuals, empowered and engaged teams, and potential for transformation in their organizations.


Team Coaching: Helping to become more than the sum of its parts.

I’d like to address your conference or workshop guests. Let’s chat about your upcoming speaking opportunity.

Let’s talk about
your event

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